The number of new ICT companies licensed to operate within the framework of the International...
The most recent data concerning tax revenues and job creation in Madeira clearly demonstrates that the...
Portugal has concluded approximately 50 Agreements on the Mutual Promotion and Protection of...
The possibility of concluding transfer pricing agreements (hereinafter TPA), a practice well known in...
News report on the launching of Madeira's International Business Center new website. Cláudia...
S.D.M.'s Chairman, Francisco Costa speaks about London's G20 Summit and it's effects to Madeira's...
The European Commission has approved under EC Treaty state aids rules a scheme providing tax...
"Establishing suitable strategies to improve sustainable development in the Portuguese...
(PDF Version) COMUNICADO A S.D.M. congratula-se vivamente pelo bom sucesso das diligências políticas...
(PDF Version) COMUNICADO A S.D.M. lamenta e repudia firmemente o tratamento jornalístico dado pela...
Funchal, 9th January 2009 – Decree-Law n.º 9/2009, published on the 7th of January, changes the...
Funchal, 13th of October 2008 – Madeira's Industrial Free Trade Zone (IFTZ) has had, since April...
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