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13-02-2025 Portuguese-flagged ships achieve the best performance at the European level... Portuguese-flagged commercial vessels registered in the Madeira International Ship Registry (MAR)...

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09-01-2024 Tech Companies at Madeira's IBC Advance Blockchain Use in Fighting Fraud... Nearsoft and Connecting Software, two leading IT companies based at Madeira's International Busin...

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15-12-2021 29% of Madeira's IBC new companies are high-tech The number of new ICT companies licensed to operate within the framework of the International Bus...

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01-09-2021 Employment and tax revenues generated by the IBC boost Madeira’s economy ... The most recent data concerning tax revenues and job creation in Madeira clearly demonstrates tha...

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26-01-2021 Moving to work in Madeira - How Diogo, André and Pedro did it in 2020... Connecting Software, with headquarters in Vienna, opened its Madeira office three years ago. Out ...

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27-10-2020 01 Edu System - Company licensed in the IBC of Madeira invests in the education area... What is the core business of you company? Can you describe your activity? 01 Edu System is an Ed...

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Miguel Sequeira appointed as president of MAR

Miguel Sequeira is the new president of the Technical Commission (TC) of the International Shipping Register of Madeira (MAR). Directly appointed by the Portuguese Ministry of Transportation, Miguel Sequeira, as responsible of the TC, is in charge of the registration process and must ensure that all registered vessels abide by the safety requirements established by the applicable international conventions, among other functions.

Miguel Sequeira, former president of the Portuguese Institute for Ports and Maritime Transportation, was, until 2010, responsible for the Mission Structure for matters related to the sea in Portugal. Qualified as specialist in Naval Military Sciences by the Portuguese Naval School, the new-appointed president of MAR has also an MBA in Management Information from the Portuguese Catholic University.

The International Shipping Register of Madeira – MAR is Portugal’s second and international shipping register, created to reduce the country’s “flagging out” process as well as to attract new shipowners and vessels.

MAR, as a Portuguese international register, is among the international registers of the highest quality, having guaranteed adequate measures to ensure an efficient surveillance of all vessels registered. All international conventions ratified by Portugal are fully applicable to and respected by MAR. As a result, MAR has never been considered as a “flag of convenience” and is included in the White List of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding.

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