The references to the Portuguese flag, made in the study issued by the OECD, pointed out that Portugal is one of the few European flag states which achieved a constant growth of the fleet, since 2013, as result of the performance of the International Shipping Register of Madeira.
With regard to the UN study, the data shows that Portugal is the 15th world best shipping register, once again due to MAR’s performance.
In the last few years, the performance of the merchant fleet under the Portuguese Flag has been largely recognized by several international organizations of the shipping sector.
It was the case of the International Chamber of Shipping’s reports about the performance of the shipping registers worldwide, which ranked Portugal amongst the bests, and also the case of the reports issued by organizations such as the MOU of Paris and the Qualship 21 Index of the United States of America.
The high ranking of the Portuguese Flag in the shipping sector is due to the very significant role of MAR, given the number of merchant vessels registered as well as the attractive operational conditions offered to shipowners.
As such, MAR continues to place Portugal in the group of countries with consistent positive performances, providing a very concrete contribution for the development of its maritime economy, through the creation of jobs both at sea and in support services in land, by generating additional tax revenues and by increasing the visibility of Portugal in the shipping world, enhancing its reputation among international organizations and contributing for the global promotion of the country.
This report highlights and confirms the success of the strategy followed to make of the Madeira Register a quality and credible flag. Furthermore, it is a sign that MAR is able to compete, side by side, with the biggest shipping registers in Europe and beyond.
Considering that the large majority of vessels from the Portuguese merchant fleet are registered in the International Shipping Register of Madeira (MAR), this development is a further contribution of MAR for the shipping sector in Portugal. Internationally, this data reinforces MAR's credibility and prestige.
As far as the EU ranking is concerned, the International Shipping Register of Madeira remains in the top three among the EU Member States, both in the number of vessels and registered tonnage.
An important additional step for the development of MAR was recently achieved with the approval in the Portuguese National Parliament of the law allowing the use of armed guards
on board vessels with the Portuguese flag, namely for those which navigate in international waters affected by piracy.
At the end of June, a total of 653 vessels were registered in MAR, including merchant vessels, pleasure and commercial yachts.